University of Wisconsin Extended Campus is now Wisconsin Online Collaboratives! This name reflects the partnerships of the 13 universities within the Universities of Wisconsin–our state's premier system of public higher education. Through these partnerships we will continue to support online degrees, certificates and courses–along with support services to you.

Capstone Projects

Bar Sports Application

Program: Applied Computing Bachelor's
Location: Not Specified (remote)
Student: Christopher John Onopa

I took on the role of a full stack developer, making a bar sports league registration and management application for a new business Ope! Brewing co. Their facilities will accommodate volleyball, darts, bags, and bocce leagues. I used Angular 13, NodeJS and Google Firebase to accomplish this. Having limited experience with JavaScript and TypeScript, and being a novice using HTML and CSS, this was a substantial undertaking. Ope! had also not hired a professional web developer for their site.

Throughout the semester I became more proficient using the Angular for the user interface and reading data from the database with Angular Firebase. Ultimately, I focused on requirements of the project that would be most needed by Ope! once they opened. This included adding and editing leagues for admin users, viewing and registering for leagues for regular users. I also included custom HTML/CSS components along with examples from bootstrap.