Capstone Projects

Hiring and Staff Retention: Tools and Processes for Hiring and Training High Quality Staff

Program: Healthcare Administration Master's Degree
Host Company: Mobility Training and Independent Living Program, Inc.
Location: Madison, Wisconsin (remote)

Mobility Training and Independent Living Program, Inc. embarked on a strategic initiative to address critical challenges in hiring and retaining qualified staff, decreasing operational expenses, and enhancing the quality of care for adults with disabilities. The project’s objectives were to streamline hiring processes and improve staff retention through targeted interventions, enhance staff training and onboarding experiences, identify training opportunities to further develop staff skills and expertise, and gather feedback to improve service delivery and client outcomes.

“Overall, the capstone experience contributed greatly to my learning and application of the skills learned throughout the HCA program.  It was a very unique experience that allowed me to incorporate several areas of learning and leadership that I have developed through my coursework in order to address issues within my selected healthcare organization.”