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Capstone Projects

Integration of Advanced Healthcare Technologies at Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW)

Program: Healthcare Administration Master's
Host Company: Medical College of Wisconsin
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (remote)
Student: Matthew Brouillard

In the era of rapid technological evolution, incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into healthcare settings redefines efficiency and patient care. This capstone project at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) investigates the integration of AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, into healthcare delivery systems.

Our aim is to provide a framework for enhanced system connectivity, improved patient outcomes through data-driven decision-making and automated processes. AI integration is poised to boost operational efficiencies of MCW’s healthcare services, promoting a seamless fusion of AI with existing infrastructures while adhering to strict compliance and security standards.

Key considerations include ensuring data protection as mandated by HIPAA and aligning with ethical standards to safeguard patient privacy. Through detailed cost-benefit analysis, scalability assessments, and stakeholder feedback, the project will establish protocols that facilitate the responsible adoption of any future AI technologies.

This capstone will outline strategic approaches to AI implementation in healthcare, focusing on improving diagnostic accuracy, patient interaction, and overall treatment processes. The result will be scalable, efficient models that have the potential to enhance patient-centered care and set new benchmarks for AI integration in healthcare, contributing valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in medical settings.

“Reflecting on my capstone experience at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. This project was not just an academic requirement but a pivotal moment in my professional life, providing profound insights into the potential of AI technologies to transform healthcare delivery.

My capstone was conducted entirely remotely, a format that presented unique challenges and opportunities. Despite the physical distance, the support and guidance I received from my mentor, Annie Glasel MHA, were instrumental. Her availability and readiness to engage with me throughout the project facilitated a seamless and enriching learning experience. Our communication was primarily digital, yet it was as impactful as face-to-face interactions, filled with timely feedback and critical insights that greatly enhanced my project outcomes.

Working closely with my mentor, I was able to navigate the complexities of AI technologies, from ethical considerations to implementation strategies. The remote nature of the capstone allowed me to utilize digital tools and platforms intensively, mirroring the technological focus of my project and providing a hands-on experience with the very technologies I was studying.

The project not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting but also helped me grow my professional network and improve my digital communication skills. These skills were particularly crucial in my interactions with healthcare leaders and management. Overall, my capstone experience was profoundly rewarding, providing me with a solid foundation to drive future healthcare innovations. I am eager to continue applying the knowledge and skills acquired to make a meaningful impact in the field, guided by the principles of efficiency, patient-centered care, and ethical responsibility.”