University of Wisconsin Extended Campus is now Wisconsin Online Collaboratives! This name reflects the partnerships of the 13 universities within the Universities of Wisconsin–our state's premier system of public higher education. Through these partnerships we will continue to support online degrees, certificates and courses–along with support services to you.

Capstone Projects

J. J. Keller & Associates Internship

Program: Applied Computing Bachelor's
Host Company: J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Location: Wisconsin (onsite)
Student: Samantha Thompson

The objective of my capstone was to encompass the work I completed with my employer J. J. Keller & Associates as I worked as a developer on our Cloud Products team. My capstone project functioned more like an internship in the sense that I am submitting summaries and explanations of what work I completed this semester. Since the actual work is proprietary, I will submit what I am able within the confines of the project. Most of my work this past semester ended up being a decent amount of security improvements to our websites, with a few functionality enhancements thrown in.