Process Improvement: Fall Prevention
Program: Healthcare Administration Master's Degree
Host Company: Hillview Healthcare Campus-Nursing Home
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin (onsite)
Student: Laura Kagel
Long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, including Hillview Healthcare Campus, have residents that are vulnerable to falls. Falls are caused by various factors, including medication side effects, weakness, acute illness, or cognitive decline. Regardless of the cause of the fall, healthcare facilities must maintain a proactive approach to fall prevention. Implementing an evidence-based fall prevention program that can address this need will protect the facility from risk litigation.
The project objectives of a fall prevention program consist of three phases. Due to the scope of the project and the timeframe, only phase one will be completed.
Phase One:
- Research evidence-based fall prevention programs.
- Develop fall prevention program including all the following: visuals, training aids, staff/resident handouts, evaluations/assessments for use.
- PILOT fall prevention program.
- MODIFY contents following pilot as necessary.
The scope of this project includes completion of Phase One.
Participating in the capstone project dedicated to fall prevention through the Falling Star Program and the 4Ps Approach has been a rewarding and insightful journey. Our team focused on enhancing the safety and well-being of nursing home residents by implementing these proven strategies.
The Falling Star Program involved identifying residents at high risk of falls by marking their rooms with a falling star symbol. This visual cue served as an immediate reminder for all staff members to take extra precautions, fostering a heightened awareness and proactive approach to fall prevention.
Coupled with the Falling Star Program, we adopted the 4Ps Approach (Pain, Positioning, Potty, Possessions), ensuring that staff routinely addressed these critical areas during their interactions with residents. Regular checks for pain management, proper positioning, timely assistance with personal needs, and consistent application of preventive measures significantly reduced fall incidents.
This capstone experience has not only deepened my understanding of effective process improvement strategies in healthcare but also reinforced the importance of a cohesive, team-based approach to resident care. The successful implementation of the Falling Star Program and the 4Ps Approach stands as a testament to the power of thoughtful, evidence-based interventions in enhancing patient safety.