Capstone Projects

U.S. News Ranking Analysis and Data Application

Program: Data Science Master's Degree
Host Company: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin (remote)
Student: Colton Lunemann

This project will analyze the U.S. News College Ranking algorithm and the applications associated with the data provided by the newspaper.  The data from the 2022 Best Midwestern Regional Colleges is used for this capstone. The objectives for this capstone are as follows: 

  • Analyze the data used in the college ranking program to learn more about the algorithm used in the ranking. 
  • Create models that will duplicate the ranking results from the available data. 
  • Compare universities together on several ranking variables to understand the magnitude of that variable in the ranking algorithm. 
  • Explore possible variables that could be related to graduation and retention rates. 

This capstone will look to discover more information as to how the college ranking program works.  The U.S. News College Ranking program is ambiguous so more information on how it works will be a benefit to many.  By looking at retention and graduation rates, variables that can increase these rates will be discovered and universities can focus investment in those areas.  Retention and graduation rates are seen by many as indicators of a college’s success to provide quality education in a good environment.