
The Evolution of Sustainability with Tom Eggert—Forward, Sustainably S1E1

UW Online Collaboratives September 19, 2019
A professional headshot of Tom Eggert

University of Wisconsin Sustainable Management program manager and Forward, Sustainably podcast host, Amanda Goetsch, asks our guest Tom Eggert about the current sustainability outlook at state, national, and global levels, the evolution of sustainability in the private sector and academia, and the most innovative developments happening in sustainability today. The pair also examine the American Sustainable Business Network’s “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,” which extends commitments to customers, employees, suppliers, communities, the environment and shareholders—a move toward stakeholder governance and sustainability for better businesses.

A logo for the Forward Sustainably podcast.This episode’s featured guest, Tom Eggert, wears many hats within the wider sustainability community. He is the founder and emeritus executive director of the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council, emeritus lecturer in sustainable business at UW-Madison, president of Wisconsin Microfinance, and former specialist of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Green Tier Development

Offering listeners a snapshot of the evolution of business sustainability, updates on where the industry is headed, and key takeaways to integrate sustainability into careers and individual lifestyles, the inaugural episode of Forward, Sustainably is sure to get important conversations started.

Listen to the first episode here:

Apple Podcasts



Recording Date: August 22, 2019

Published: September 19, 2019

University of Wisconsin Extended Campus Recording Studio

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