Are you interested in pursuing UW’s Data Science programs but not entirely sure whether your previous experience meets our requirements? Here are the prerequisite skills needed:
What prerequisite skills are required for admission to the Data Science programs?
Elementary statistics, programming, and database systems
Why do I need prerequisite skills?
Foundational skills in statistics, programming and databases will prepare you for the graduate-level coursework found in the Data Science programs. The Data Science courses build on these foundational skills so students can focus on more advanced areas of data science. Program prerequisite requirements are integral to student success in the Data Science program.
Program prerequisite skills are integral to student success in the Data Science program to provide the skills needed to do well and allow for focus on more advanced topic areas. Basic competency skills are also required for each of the prerequisite requirements, which are statistical topics, database topics, and programming topics. Statistical topics include graphical and numerical data summaries, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, linear regression, and probability. Database topics include entry-relationship model, relational data model, creating tables and views, SQL Queries, and inserts, updates, and deletes.
Programming topics include control flow statements, functions and procedures, arrays and lists, and data input and output.
How can I find out if my previous coursework or work experience meets the prerequisite skills requirements?
To find out if coursework or work experience satisfies prerequisite skills requirements, you must first apply to the Data Science program.
- Step 1: Submit your application materials.
- Step 2: Your application package is reviewed by an Academic Director.
- Step 3: You will connect with the Academic Director to discuss your eligibility for the program.
Think you’d like to talk with someone before you apply? Please contact an enrollment adviser at 608-800-6762 or emailing
Common scenarios and outcomes of a prerequisite skills review:
- Scenario A: You have enough coursework, experience or training to meet the prerequisite skills. No further coursework is required before starting the Data Science courses.
- Scenario B: You have enough coursework, experience or training, but you could probably use a refresher or some more learning to better prepare yourself before starting in the Data Science program. Additional open source learning options are recommended.
- For Scenario A or B: Assuming you meet all other admission requirements, you are admitted into the Data Science program.
- Scenario C: You do not have enough coursework, experience or training in one or more of the prerequisite skills and you are required to take an introductory course from a pre-approved list or a similar course from another university in order to move forward.
- You will be conditionally admitted to the program. Work with the Academic Director on identifying courses that will satisfy the requirement.
- Complete the required prerequisites and provide your transcripts to the home campus. Once you apply, you have up to 12 months to enroll in the program before you’d be required to pay another application fee. Complete the required prerequisites and provide your transcripts to the home campus. Once you apply, you have up to 12 months to enroll in the program before you’d be required to pay another application fee.
If you have further questions, please contact an enrollment adviser about the UW Data Science program at [uwex_phone] or emailing [uwex_email].
The University of Wisconsin Data Science program is powered by UW Online Collaboratives.

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