DS 760: Ethics of Data Science

Investigate the ethical issues in computer science that ultimately also pertain to data science, including privacy, plagiarism, intellectual property rights, piracy, security, confidentiality, and many other issues.

Your study of these issues will begin broadly, with a look at ethical issues in computer science at large. We will then make inferences to the narrower field of data science. We will consider ethical arguments and positions, the quality and integrity of decisions and inferences based on data, and how important cases and laws have shaped the legality, if not the morality, of data science-related computing. We will use case studies to investigate these issues.

Prerequisite: DS 740

DS 760 Syllabus

Semesters Offered: Fall 2024, Fall 2025, Spring 2024, Summer 2024

Credits: 3

Degree Level: Master's