The capstone course provides students with the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned and gain hands-on experience in the real world. Each student will help a real organization solve an existing sustainability problem by implementing practical knowledge to achieve a triple-bottom-line solution. Projects may focus on issues such as supply chain structures, energy efficiencies, or environmental and climate concerns. The instructor will serve as a guide throughout the experience.
Prerequisites: SMGT 494 Pre-capstone is a zero credit course that students are automatically enrolled in once they have completed 10 courses. Students must also pass SMGT 494 quiz with an 80% or higher grade (mandatory), have senior standing and/or success coach/academic director permission to enroll in the capstone course.
View examples of past capstone projects.
Semesters Offered: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Spring 2026
Credits: 3
Degree Level: Bachelor's