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Must-See Stories About Our Sustainability Master’s Graduates

UW Online Collaboratives February 15, 2016
Two graduation photos side-by-side. One shows Alexandria Skoch standing with Dr. John Katers, while the other photo includes Ken Holdorf

You meet someone for the first time. You shake hands. Then what? Probably, you will ask these two questions.

“Who are you?”

“What do you do?”

In this post, you’ll meet two of our sustainability master’s graduates. Alexandria Skoch and Ken Holdorf finished the University of Wisconsin Master of Science in Sustainable Management program in December 2015, and both were featured in articles about their experiences and career paths.

Now, let’s answer those two burning questions.

Spreading Sustainability to the NFL, College Students, and Beyond

A graduation photo of Alexandria Skoch standing with Dr. John Katers.Alexandria is the kind of person who, when given lemons, makes a new, delicious, wondrous, golden drink that’s way better than lemonade. What I mean is, she goes above and beyond. In the Sustainable Management program, she made efforts to get to know professors, other students in the online program, and even South America while attending the Chile Travel Course.

For the final master’s capstone project, Alexandria focused on “greening” the Cleveland Browns NFL franchise. During home games, she went behind-the-scenes at the stadium to conduct research and found that though the sports team made sustainable efforts, a lot of work still needed to be done.

Sports sustainability wasn’t her dream job though. Alexandria considered a career in government or academics. “I believe that sustainability…should be integrated into all science courses, and perhaps, I could help do just that at the college level.” Read more about Alexandria in the UW-Green Bay blog, along with how her sustainability journey brought her to the highly competitive San Francisco market.

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It’s Never Too Late to Start a New Career–and Here’s Proof

A graduation photo of Ken Holdorf.Ken is a great, self-motivated student who deserves an equally great sustainability career–and it looks as if he’s well on his way. At 54 years old and with a new master’s degree in hand, Ken landed a three-month position at the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

After a 20-year career in the US Navy and ten years with a law firm, Ken was ready to turn his passion for corporate responsibility and the environment into a third career. Ken grew confident after getting his foot in the door: “I am now updated on the most current knowledge that’s out there.” Read more about Ken in the UW-Parkside blog.

To learn more about the UW Sustainable Management program, contact a helpful enrollment adviser at 608-800-6762 or


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What Can You Do with a Sustainability Degree?

6 Ways to Build Your Sustainability Job Experience and Credibility

Where Passion and Water Meet: A Student’s Journey to Leadership and Success in a Sustainability Career

Programs: Sustainable Management